Future-proofing Queensland manufacturing

Manufacturing Skills Queensland provides high-quality research and resources to industry, training organisations, peak bodies, industry councils and government. Our resources are developed to support industry and create solutions to address critical skills and workforce challenges.

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Our resources

Our manufacturing-specific resources have been inspired and developed through consultation with industry. We gather insights directly from industry leaders and professionals, partner with experts, and use data sources including the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and others to create high-quality resources. Our materials are designed to immediately empower you in advancing and future-proofing Queensland’s manufacturing industry.

State of the Sector 2024

MSQ commissioned the Ai Group to provide an economic analysis package, and detail industry’s performance. This report highlights the current trends, challenges and opportunities in the Queensland manufacturing industry.

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With a focus on attracting, retaining, and developing capability, MSQ’s strategic pillars underscore our commitment to working closely with experts to create a sustainably skilled workforce capable of embracing new technologies and responding to economic opportunities or challenge. We engage with industry experts, unions, employer groups, government bodies, and registered training providers to co-create research and resources tailored to address the evolving needs of the manufacturing workforce. Contact us for partnership opportunities, or to learn more.