Building a sustainably skilled workforce, and future-proofing the manufacturing industry

Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ) is an independent body established and funded under the Queensland Government’s Making it in Queensland: Building a Stronger Manufacturing Sector policy in November 2022. Our work supports the Queensland Government’s $70 million investment in manufacturing skills and training. The MSQ Board guides the organisation’s strategy and ensures investment in manufacturing skills and training through the Annual Training Plan meets the needs of industry.

MSQ was established by the Queensland Government with two foundational members:

  • Minister with responsibility for training and skills development
  • Minister with responsibility for manufacturing

Our Strategic Plan is prepared and submitted by the Board each year for responsible Ministers’ approval. In addition, MSQ is required to submit an Annual Training Plan to the Department of Trade, Employment and Training by 30 April each year.

Our governance framework is designed to ensure accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in all our endeavours. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of governance, empowering stakeholders with the information they need to understand our decision-making processes and strategic direction.

Meet the board

The Manufacturing Skills Queensland Board is made up of an independent Chair and representatives from the government, employers, and employees of the manufacturing industry. The Board guides Manufacturing Skills Queensland’s strategy and ensures investment in manufacturing skills and training through the Annual Training Plan meets the needs of industry. Our Board is comprised of leaders across industry and government, contributing their expertise and to build a future-proofed and skilled workforce for manufacturing in Queensland.


Paul Cooper

Chair of the Board

Owner and Executive Chair, Rinstrum and Chairman, Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre Ltd


Natalene Carter

Board member – employer representative

Director, RID Australia and Senior Executive Operations Manager, Dy-Mark


Sheree Taylor

Board member – employer representative

Queensland Major Projects – Business Development Manager, BlueScope Steel


Ann-Marie Allan

Board member – employee representative

Executive Officer, Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union


Stacey Schinnerl

Board member – employee representative

Director, SkillsEQuipped and Queensland Branch Secretary, Australian Workers’ Union


Steve Koch

Board member – government representative

Deputy Director-General, Department of Employment, Small Business and Training


Bernadette Zerba

Board member – government representative

Deputy Director-General, Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water

Reports and publications

Our collection of reports and publications provides invaluable insights into our governance, operations, and the pivotal role we play in the manufacturing industry.
Annual Reports

Annual Report 2022-23

pdf: 339.52 KB

Financial Statements

Financial Statements for the period 31 October 2022 to 30 June 2023

pdf: 639.41 KB

Strategic Plans

Strategic plan 2023-25

pdf: 616.93 KB

Who we are

We’re building a culture at Manufacturing Skills Queensland that is about putting industry at the centre of solution development. Find out more about the team that’s leading the way.

Meet our team

Work with us

At Manufacturing Skills Queensland we are reimagining how we design, develop and implement training, skills and workforce solutions for industry. This means bold ideas and a willingness to tackle the big challenges.

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