Why get involved?

The Gateway to Industry Schools program offers businesses the flexibility to create and implement customised school engagement activities. Since each project is driven by industry organisations, the learning and engagement activities in schools are designed to align with key industry skills and workforce priorities.

As an industry partner in the Gateway program, your business will have the opportunity to connect with motivated, engaged students and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Queensland manufacturing workforce.

The program also allows you to showcase essential industry skills and highlight the workforce needs within your community. If you’re passionate about your business and want to see both your company and the industry thrive in the future, reach out to us—we’re here to help you achieve that goal.

Become an industry partner

Ways to collaborate

Your involvement in the Advanced Manufacturing Gateway to Industry Schools project is more than just an investment in students—it’s a commitment to securing the future of Queensland’s manufacturing industry. Whether it’s hosting site visits, participating in classroom presentations, or contributing to curriculum development, there’s a way for every business to make a meaningful impact.

Virtual Classroom Visit

A digital session where industry professionals interact with students in real-time via video conferencing. This allows for engagement regardless of geographical limitations. Virtual classroom visits expose students to industry insights and career paths without the logistical challenges of physical visits. Generally 60 minutes per session, including preparation time.

Physical Classroom Visit

An in-person visit by industry professionals to the school classroom. This allows for face-to-face interaction and potential hands-on demonstrations. Classroom visits create a tangible connection between students and industry representatives. Allow 2-4 hours, including travel and presentation time.

Four people walking in a factory while wearing high visibility vests
School to Industry Tour

You will present to and facilitate a guided visit for students to your manufacturing facilities or workplace. This provides a first-hand look at the industry environment. To give students a realistic view of the working world and potential career paths. Tours interest in manufacturing careers by showcasing real-world applications of classroom learning. Allow a half day to full day, depending on location and tour extent.

A worker wearing industrial gloves and goggles showing a student a piece of machinery
Work Experience Opportunities

Short-term placements for students in industry settings, allowing them to participate in day-to-day operations. This provides practical, hands-on experience in a real work environment. Work experience gives students a taste of potential career paths and develop workplace skills. Time commitment ranges from 1 to 2 weeks, full-time during school holidays or part-time during term.

A man wearing factory clothing talking to four other people
Teacher to Industry Tour

Organised visits for teachers to manufacturing facilities or workplaces. This helps educators gain current industry insights. Teachers may visit up to three facilities in a day. These tours will help update teachers' knowledge of industry practices and technologies. Time Commitment ranges from 2 hours to 1 day, including travel and tour time.

A woman talking to a man at a desk in front of a laptop
Teacher Mentoring

Pairing teachers with industry professionals for ongoing guidance and knowledge exchange. This creates a sustained connection between education and industry. Mentoring provides teachers with a direct line to industry expertise and current practices enabling stronger classroom delivery and industry recruitment. Allow 1-2 hours per month, ongoing throughout the school year.

Teacher 'Toolbox Talk'

Web-based seminars featuring industry experts discussing current trends, technologies, or practices. These can be attended by multiple teachers simultaneously and may include multiple industry partners. Purpose: To efficiently disseminate industry knowledge to a wide teacher audience. Time commitment between 1-2 hours per session, including Q&A time.

A teacher standing in front of a whiteboard talking to a student
Educational Resource Creation

Facilitated by Manufacturing Skills Queensland help validate, or contribute to the creation of learning materials, case studies, or project ideas. This ensures educational content aligns with current industry practices. Resources enhance the relevance of classroom learning by incorporating real-world industry scenarios. Time commitment varies; typically, several hours spread over multiple sessions.

Strategic Workforce Development

The Advanced Manufacturing Gateway to Industry Schools project presents a strategic opportunity for businesses to shape the future of Queensland’s manufacturing workforce. By engaging with this initiative, businesses can support school activities that align precisely with their industry-specific skills and workforce priorities. This tailored approach ensures that the next generation of professionals is equipped with relevant, cutting-edge knowledge and skills.

Inspiring the Next Generation

Your involvement in the Advanced Manufacturing Gateway to Industry Schools project is more than just an investment in students—it’s a commitment to securing the future of Queensland’s manufacturing industry. Together, we can build a robust, skilled workforce and inspire the next generation of manufacturers, ensuring the continued growth and innovation of the sector.

Become an industry partner

Becoming an industry partner is free. Let’s collaborate to future-proof a skilled workforce in Queensland’s manufacturing industry within your region today.

As an industry partner, what opportunities or support could you provide to a Gateway to Industry School?(Required)

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This Gateway to Industry Schools program is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.

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